Teacher = Tree?

10 Feb

Teacher = Tree?

A teacher is like a tree, in fact, this statement is true. Consider a tree with no fruits, it is just a tree, we may believe it is a tree of particular species. For instance if the Mango tree (in our belief) produces jasmines it will be called as jasmine plant agree with me in the same way the coconut tree produces apples, our ideas change on the so called coconut tree into apple tree.

A teacher is like a tree. This statement portraits the importance of teacher.

A teacher gets good or bad name based on the type of students he or she produces, certainly not on the result he or she produces or not based on the knowledge he or she has. A teacher with out students is not called as teacher if we observe the above statement implies here.


A teacher with immense knowledge who can not root deeply the values in students is in other terms a tree with no fruits, on the contrary a teacher who strive not only on the academic improvement of the student but also on the social values of the student is called as FRUITFULL tree.

A teacher’s quality directly relates to the academic results of the students as well as social well ness of the students. A settled citizen proudly says that he stands because of his parents and teacher, I am one among them.

Teacher’s personal values directly reflect on students, besides his knowledge. Many people think that teachers should only focus on teaching the academic skills of the students and not other things related to social values or ethical skills. On the contrary, some people think that teachers have the responsibility to teach not only academic subjects but also values of the society, ethical skills and what all going around them. I would like to agree with the latter group of people. Today, an individual should learn social values, besides his academic skills. No doubt those academics are mandatory, nevertheless in today’s world ethical, moral and social values take the top position in the teaching circle.

Finally :

It is only the tree loaded with fruit that the people throw stones at

When we cannot get what we love, we must love what is within our reach.


2 Responses to “Teacher = Tree?”

  1. Boyina Vijayakumar February 10, 2013 at 4:00 PM #

    Hi Prasad,

    Yes, teacher is like a tree, indeed, but I differ with your view that the teacher do not get good name on the basis of the results. The parents and the institutes prefer the teachers who produce good results. I compare the results with that of the color& odor of a fruit. Look at an apple, guava or sweet orange. Which one is liked by most of the people ? Obviously apple, I think. The shape, smell and the color & the taste are also important.

    I do agree with you, that the character is also important. A good student means a good character & good marks. A student who has good character can only listen to his teacher. A student must imbibe moral values and knowledge and teacher & parents should help him in this regard. Hope you must have read that in China, schools which are teaching only moral values, social behavior and ethics are started recently.

    Lastly, when I was of you age, I thought my responsible as a teacher was only to complete my syllabus and I should not think about the results. By experience I changed my mind. Now, I realisied that the responsible of a teacher is not only teaching the subject, moral values and ethics, but also help a student who is in dire need of money or psychological support.

    With love. Your Chinnanna.

    • kapprasad123 February 10, 2013 at 8:06 PM #

      HI chinnanna, hope you are fine
      i am very much happy that you are following my blog regularly

      i posted my post purely based on my present thinking standards.
      in my terms the teacher’s job is to shape the student career by producing his or her own result as well as shaping the students character for his better proceedings in future.

      i do agree with you that we have to complete the academic syllabus along with character development syllabus which should be designed by the teacher himself.

      in my 14 years experience what i understood is, the quick learners learn the things fast so that they have more time to spend or think else-ware. this is the paramount point where i usually concentrate on the other hand
      the slow learners though they learn slowly, still manage to find time to mess upon.

      i would like to bring one of my experiences to your notice that one of my students listen swiftly, after he suffused with the topic he disturbs the other students, after his two or three attempts i happened to talk to him, you know i was shocked and learned a valuable lesson, he said because of his disturbance other students will not get marks. from then i started zeroed in on my concentration on the character of the student mention not i do achieve my target on completing my syllabus both for swift and slow learners as well.

      in this healthy discussion let me present my self before you in my terms, i was not good at academics but i was pin pointed as one of the well behaved students by my teachers as well lecturers. when compare with my friends who performed well in their academics, i am now settled they are still struggling to settle this emphasis character is first academic excellence comes next.

      with this reply let me take the opportunity and privilege of extending my sincere thanks to you for reading my article and sending comments, i am looking forward to share some of my ideas using my blog as platform.

      with warm regards

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